The End
A solitary tear flowed down his cheek
Never had he felt so weak
As that moment, when it all went wrong
As if were all part of some dumb song
He looked at hands, fragile and dry
He didn’t understand why he wanted to cry
A single tear was all he could shed
He wondered if it’d end, if he were dead
But what was it – that he wanted to end?
His life – to heaven or to hell – his soul to send
What drove him to desire such a fate?
Filled with nothing but rage and hate
Battered, bruised and wounded such
No one really knew too much
Of what went on inside his mind
His private world – plenty to find
No one knew and even less cared
To know his thoughts – no one dared
He stood in the darkness and walked around
Hoping an answer could be found
To his torment – his self-inflicted pain
To end his existence – that was all too vain
He collapsed to the floor – a weakened heap
Empty inside – nothing left to keep.